Apipie-rails is a DSL and Rails engine for documenting your RESTful API. Instead of the traditional use of #comments, Apipie lets you describe the code, through the code. With Apipie you can specify the methods available to your API, describe every possible parameter. Apipie using Ruby syntax so no need to learn yet another syntax. The documentation is available from within your app (by default under the /apipie path.)
Getting started
Add Apipie to Gemfile
gem 'apipie-rails'
after bundle install, initialise Apipie
rails g apipie:install
Now confirgure the basic settings in file config/initializers/apipie.rb
Apipie.configure do |config|
config.app_name = "DemoApp"
config.api_base_url = "/api/v1"
config.doc_base_url = "/apidoc"
# were is your API defined?
config.api_controllers_matcher = "#{Rails.root}/app/controllers/api/v1/*.rb"
config.app_info = "DemoApp REST API "
Now you can start documenting your resources and actions
Resource Description:
You can describe a resource on the controller level. The description is introduced by calling resource_description do … end.
The following are some of keywords available (all are optional):
resource_id - How the resource will be referenced in Apipie (paths, see command etc.); by default controller_name.downcase is used.
name - Human readable name of resource. By default class.name.humanize is used.
short - Short description of the resource (it’s shown on both the list of resources, and resource details)
Example is given below :
resource_description do
short "API for managing User Profile"
Method Description
This using to describe methods available to your API.
api - Describe how this method is exposed, and provide a short description. The first parameter is HTTP method (one of :GET/:POST/:PUT/:DELETE). The second parameter is the relative URL path which is mapped to this method. The last parameter is the methods short description.
api :GET, '/user', "Fetch User Profile"
param - Look at Parameter description section for details.
description -Full method description, which will be converted into HTML by the chosen markup language processor.
description <<-EOS
== Books
This API is used to fetch all the books.
example - Provide an example of the server response; whole communication or response type. It will be formatted as code.
To see more options refer here
Example of a user controller with api documentation is given below
class Api::V1::UsersController < Api::ApiController
resource_description do
short "API for managing User Profile"
api :GET, '/user', "Fetch User Profile"
description <<-EOS
== Fetch User Profile
This API is used to fetch the user profile details.
=== Authentication required
Authentication token has to be passed as part of the request. It can be passed as parameter(auth_token) or HTTP header(AUTH-TOKEN).
formats ['json']
error :code => 404, :desc => "User Profile not yet created"
def show
if @user.nil?
render :status => :not_found, :json => {:message => "User Profile not yet created"}
render :status => :ok, :json => {:user=>@user}
api :PUT, '/user', "Update User Profile"
description <<-EOS
== Update User Profile
This API is used to update the user profile details.
=== Authentication required
Authentication token has to be passed as part of the request. It can be passed as parameter(auth_token) or HTTP header(AUTH-TOKEN).
error :code => 406, :desc => "User Profile not yet created"
formats ['json']
param :user, Hash, :description => "User" do
param :name, String, :desc => "Name", :required => true
param :email, String, :desc => "Email", :required => false
param :gender, String, :desc => "Gender (1: Male, 2: Female)", :required => true
param :photo, ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile, :desc => "User Image", :required => false
param :address, String, :desc => "Address", :required => false
def user_profile
if @user.nil?
render :status => :not_acceptable, :json => {:message => "User not exists"}
render :status => :ok, :json => {:user =>@user,:message => "User updated"}
def users_params
params.require(:user).permit(:name, :email, :gender, :photo,:address)
we can add example data in doc/apipie_examples.yml