delayed_job_web is a gem which will provide the Resque inspired interface for delayed_job. This gem will provide a nice interface for monitor all activities in delayed jobs instead of searching it in the database directly.
Some features:
Easily view jobs enqueued, working, pending, and failed.
Queue any single job. or all pending jobs, to run immediately.
Remove a failed job, or easily remove all failed jobs.
Watch delayed_job operation with live ajax polling.
Filter delayed_jobs by queue name.
Quick Start For Rails 5 Applications:
Add the dependency to your Gemfile and bundle it.
gem 'delayed_job_web'
# For dependency resolution of 'delayed_job_web' gem
# More info -
gem 'rack-protection', github: 'sinatra/sinatra'
gem 'sinatra', github: 'sinatra/sinatra'
Add the following route to your application for accessing the interface, and retrying failed jobs.
get '/delayed_job' => DelayedJobWeb, :anchor => false
put '/delayed_job' => DelayedJobWeb, :anchor => false
post '/delayed_job' => DelayedJobWeb, :anchor => false
You can authenticate web interface by adding something like this,
authenticate :user, ->(u) { u.super_admin? } do
get '/delayed_job' => DelayedJobWeb, :anchor => false
put '/delayed_job' => DelayedJobWeb, :anchor => false
post '/delayed_job' => DelayedJobWeb, :anchor => false
now web interface will be available only for super admin login.