My second session to the new joinies in Ruby Software Pvt.Ltd. is on Active Record Associations. The primary goal of this session is to introduce the basic concepts of Active Record Associations.
The slides of my session is available below ..
In my current company Ruby Software Pvt.Ltd, I gave a session on Ruby on Rails to New joiners. The primary goal of this session to give an introduction about Ruby on Rails Framework and make them do a sample application from scratch.
The slides of the session is available below..
In my current project I wanted to avoid running a few set of slow tests every time. Tagging feature in rspec allow us to filter the examples to be run by tag.
We can use the –tag (or -t) option to filter the examples by tags. The tag can be a simple name or a name:value pair. In the first case,
examples with :name => true will be filtered. In the second case, examples with :name => value will be filtered, where value is always a string.
Tags can also be used to exclude examples by adding a ~ before the tag. For example ~tag will exclude all examples marked with :tag => true and
~tag:value will exclude all examples marked with :tag => value.
Given example show how to add tags to spec examples,
describe "group with tagged specs" do
it "example I'm working now", :focus => true do; end
it "special example with string", :type => 'special' do; end
it "special example with symbol", :type => :special do; end
it "slow example", :skip => true do; end
it "ordinary example", :speed => 'slow' do; end
it "untagged example" do; end
To run only examples with a simple tag, for examlple to run tests with a tag focus
run ”rspec spec/ –tag focus”
Then the output should contain all the tests with tag :focus=>true
To exclude examples with a name:value tag
run ”rspec spec/ –tag ~speed:slow”
Then the tests with tag speed:slow” will not be run.
One of my prevois project, I needed to populate product catalogs in second select box depends on the product selected in first select box in active admin input form. I implemented this by refering one of the example by @abidsm in his github repo.
First we need to add dependent_select.js file.
Now we need to add logic to catalogs_product.rb in admin folder.
Here ‘data-option-dependent’ => true will bind depentent select js to catalog input field.
‘data-option-observed’ => ‘catalogs_product_product_id’ specify that, the catalog field is depending on input in product field. catalogs_product_product_id is the id of the product field in this form.
Now we need to specify the json method which will populate catalogs data depends on the product is selected in parent input select.
‘data-option-url’ => ‘/products/:catalogs_product_product_id/catalogs’
Now we need to add index method with json output in catelogs controller.
That’s it now you can see catalog select box will be repopulated when we select a product in product select box. This can be implemented in any of formastic input forms.
Rails is one of the best frameworks to build websites, it solved a lot of security issues by default, like SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting. Still there are lots of chances to have security vulnerabilities in our application.
Brakeman is a static analysis tool which checks Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities. Unlike many web security scanners, Brakeman looks at the source code of your application. This means you do not need to set up your whole application stack to use it. Once Brakeman scans the application code, it produces a report of all security issues it has found. Brakeman requires zero setups or configuration once it is installed, what you have to do is to just run it.
We can also integrate brakeman with Jenkins by adding Brakeman plugin.
For continuous testing, We can use Guard::Brakeman, which allows you to automatically run Brakeman tests when files are modified.
Using RubyGems:
gem install brakeman
Using Bundler, add to development group in Gemfile and set to not be required automatically:
group :development do
gem 'brakeman', :require => false
Running Brakeman
The simplest way to get started with Brakeman is to just run it with no options in the root directory of your Rails application:
cd your_rails_app/
This will scan the application in the current directory and output a report to the command line.
Alternatively, you can supply a path as an option to Brakeman:
brakeman your_rails_app
To specify an output file for the results:
brakeman -o output_file
The output format is determined by the file extension or by using the -f option. Current options are: text, html, tabs, json, markdown, and csv.
Multiple output files can be specified:
brakeman -o output.html -o output.json
Example result :
For more options and documentation, visit official site :
The Ruby I18n gem which is shipped with Ruby on Rails provides an easy-to-use and extensible framework for translating your application to a single custom language other than English or for providing multi-language support in your application.
To translate model Project to another language (for example, to arabic), add model name in arabic with key one and pluralal of model name in arabic with key other in to config/locales/ar.yml.
one: مشروع
other: مشاريع
one: مهمة
other: المهام
title: لقب
# will translate Project attribute "title" as "لقب"
that’s it, now if you switch your application to Arabic you can see everywhere in the project is translated into مشروع and projects is translate into مشاريع. Project attribute title will be translated into لقبs.
Active Record validation error messages can also be translated easily. Active Record gives you a couple of namespaces where you can place your message translations in order to provide different messages and translation for certain models, attributes, and/or validations.
Consider a Project model with a validation for the title attribute like this:
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :title, presence: true
The key for the error message in this case is :blank. So add message to be shown in following order to ar.yml
blank : لا يمكن أن يكون البنك
When you are developing a Front End Application using Backbone.js, Angular.js or any other MV* frameworks or making an AJAX call, you might have faced the issue with Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). You will face this issue if you are accessing the hosted web services (API) from your development environment because the domains are different.
We can solve the CORS issue in different ways. The best solution is to implement reverse proxy in the development environment. Here is a sample virtual host file which has reverse proxy implemented:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /home/eshaiju/Projects/front_end_app/public
<Directory /home/eshaiju/Projects/front_end_app/public>
AllowOverride all
Options -MultiViews
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /api
ProxyPassReverse /api
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
From your app if you start accessing the /api URL it will be accessed from the proxy URL.
There is anohter simple way to avoid this security check in developement environment. Disable cross-domain security check for AJAX call in Google Chrome for deveopment environment.
Start Google Chrome with no security from command line, OSX:
Start Google Chrome from command line, Ubuntu/Linux:
google-chrome --disable-web-security
Start Chromium from command line, Ubuntu/Linux:
chromium-browser --disable-web-security
For Windows:
1 - Create a shortcut to Chrome on your desktop.
2 - Right-click on the shortcut and choose Properties, then switch to “Shortcut” tab. In the “Target” field, append the following: –args –disable-web-security.
3 - Restart Chrome
After this chrome will open with all securty disabled. So AJAX call will work without any problem.
Active Admin is a Ruby on Rails plugin for generating administration style interfaces. It abstracts common business application patterns to make it simple for developers to implement beautiful and elegant interfaces with very little effort.
Default interface of active admin:
We can customize the default style of active admin by over riding css values and and sass variables.
ActiveSkin is a flat skin for active admin. We can even change basic colors of the theme by changing values of some variables.
Having active admin installed add the following line to your application’s Gemfile:
gem 'active_skin'
Now we need to include active skin css to our project.
Add following code to active_admin.css.scss
Rails is all about ‘Convention over Configuration’. There are community-driven Ruby coding style guides. But there is no such convention of following a ‘standard’ for the order of arranging associations, scopes, includes, validations in a Rails Model. But we can create one for our project and be consistent with it in all the models. This is what I follow. Thanks to this stackoverflow post.
SimpleCov is a code coverage analysis tool for Ruby. It uses Ruby’s built-in Coverage library to gather code coverage data, but makes processing its results much easier by providing a clean API to filter, group, merge, format, and display those results, giving you a complete code coverage suite that can be set up with just a couple lines of code.
Getting started
Add SimpleCov to your Gemfile and bundle install:
Load and launch SimpleCov at the very top of your spec_helper.rb (or test/test_helper.rb, cucumber env.rb, or whatever your preferred test framework uses):
require 'simplecov'
Spork.each_run do
if ENV['DRB']
require 'simplecov'
SimpleCov.start 'rails' if ENV["COVERAGE"]
Due to this code SimpleCov.start if ENV[“COVERAGE”] SimpleCov will only run if you execute your tests like this:
COVERAGE=true bundle exec rspec
Run your tests, open up coverage/index.html in your browser you can see detailed report on test coverage.